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About Us



Our Philosophy 

Mott Park Kindy is a ‘home away from home’ where children, families, staff and community are welcomed and invited to belong to our bigger kindy family. We appreciate everyone in our kindy community for their unique qualities, and the ways in which they shape the culture and experiences of our centre. All of our kindy family members are encouraged to participate in ways that work best for them and our motto – ‘For Every Child’ – reflects the warmly  inclusive environment we provide for each and every child.

At the heart of our philosophy lies our commitment to listen and connect deeply
with children and families to build warm, collaborative, respectful, trusting
and supportive relationships.



The children are the essence of our kindy. We believe building a child’s trust and sense of security provides them with an environment in which they feel safe to engage and explore. This optimises their learning and develops confident and capable children who feel a sense of ownership in the kindy environment, and who contribute to decision-making. They do this alongside committed educators who support, scaffold and extend their skills and understandings. 



Our teaching team is passionate about reflecting on and understanding how children learn, and maximising their opportunities to be all of who they are. We believe learning is life-long and takes place in all we experience, and that challenges big and small can be embraced as opportunities for growth. As dedicated educators we provide a nurturing, fun and engaging environment where children are excited as they arrive at our Centre each morning.  



We are all enriched by the diverse cultures in our kindy community. We invite families to be involved and contribute to the programme by sharing their skills and experiences. Our warm and welcoming atmosphere encourages families to connect with one another, extending their support networks and sense of belonging. 



The operation of Mott Park Kindy is a collaborative venture. The voices of staff, children, families and committee members are incorporated into our decision-making, reflective practise and plans for the future. Our partnerships extend to people in our wider community, enhancing learning within the kindy programme. 


Learning through play

Our play-based curriculum supports the development of the whole child. It stems from each child’s interests, the decisions they make, and the intentional teaching approach of our educators. Engaged in experiences that are meaningful to them, children are motivated to learn and feel positive about their learning. We support children to recognise their own strengths and understandings, and encourage them to share these in the social context of our centre. 


Respect for the land

We appreciate and respect the traditional owners of the land on which our kindy sits. Our outdoor space allows children to explore, learn and take risks in a supportive environment. We work towards sustaining and caring for our beautiful natural environment that provides so many diverse learning opportunities. 


Our goals

We want children to leave our kindy at the end of the year inspired to fulfil their potential as independent, confident, problem-solvers instilled with a life-long love of learning. In essence, we aim to ensure each child feels their own unique value and can fully embrace who they are.

We warmly welcome children and families into our Mott Park Kindy community,
as we work together to support your child’s learning.


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